
Showing posts from March, 2021

How I got the shit insulted out of me by a hairdresser in Kosova and why YOU need to hear this no matter what type of business you run

I want to tell you a quick story about my visit to Kosova in 2002. I was 21 and it was my first visit since 1987. Yep, it had been a while. My cousin, Zyrafeta (we call her Teta), invited me to come along with her and her husband to Nahid Hasani’s wedding. They had told me about his history, how he had just been released from jail after being falsely accused by Serbs during the 1997-1999 Kosovar war. At the time, I was excited to see everything and anything Kosova had to offer and it was being held in Prizren, so I thought why not. (FYI, if you’re ever in Kosova, Prizren is one of the most interesting cities to see. It’s beautiful, old and has more historical things to see than any other place in Kosova.) Teta was getting her hair and makeup done at a hair salon in Rahovec and suggested that I should come along as I could get by hair done as well (by the way, Rahovec is where my father’s family is from). So, here I was a girl born and raised in Australia thinking, Ok, a hairdresser, co...