
Showing posts from April, 2021

Where you can find a singer for your Albanian wedding

  When it comes to Albanians and organising weddings, there is nothing more important than deciding upon who the singer is going to be. I know when it came to my wedding, if it was up to my mother in-law, we would have booked Afrim Muqiqi and forked out over €4000. As a diaspora Albanian there was no way that was going to happen. You see, I wasn’t interested in paying for a name just so I could show off to the neighbours. What I wanted is a person that could sing the songs I liked reasonably good and didn’t cost more than about €2000. My biggest dilemma was where do we find someone that fitted this description? Who do we ask? Whose opinion do we listen to when you have 64 first cousins that all think something different. That’s why we created MyDasma. In order to choose your singer simple visit and under ‘Filloje Dasmën’ select the singer category and start selecting your singer by watching their videos, reading their reviews and then negotiating a price wi...