
Si të sigurohesh që flokët dhe grimi juaj tek dasma jote shqiptare, jo vetëm, thjesht, të jenë mirë, mirëpo edhe të dukesh vërtetë mahnitëse?

  Je duke planifikuar të organizosh një festë të veçantë apo një aheng në Shqipëri, Kosovë, Maqedoni, Mal të Zi, Luginë të Preshevës, etj., por nuk e ke idenë se ku mund të shkosh të rregullosh flokët dhe grimin tënd? Eh, po, është kjo dilema që ne femrat përballemi vazhdimisht. Por unë kam zgjidhjen perfekte pët ty. Hidhi një sy platformës tonë MyDasma Më kujtohet kur po përpiqesha të bëhesha gati për dasmën time në Kosovë, në vitin 2009 dhe, normalisht, si për çdo nuse, flokët dhe grimi, ishin një nga gjërat më të rëndësishme për mua. Dhe, pa dyshim, fakti që kisha lindur dhe isha rritur në Australi, bënte një ndryshim të madh, në atë çfarë unë kërkoja dhe çfarë konsiderohej e bukur sipas modës në Kosovë në ato vite. Dhe, njëkohësisht, edhe t’iu kërkoja këshilla të afërmëve dhe familjarëve të mi, prap zhgënjehësha ngase edhe shijet e tyre, ishin shumë larg nga ajo që unë doja në të vërtetë. Do të pyesësh ti, po si ja bëre në fund, si ia dole? Dy vite para ...

How to make sure your hair and makeup rocks at your Albanian wedding

Planning your next special occasion in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro and don’t know where to get your hair and makeup done? Well, I have the solution for you. Check out MyDasma . I remember when I was trying to get things ready for my wedding in Kosovo in 2009 my hair and makeup were one of the most important things to me. And I can tell you, being an Albanian, born and raised in Australia, what was considered beautiful at that time in Kosovo, wasn’t to my liking at all. And unfortunately, turning to relatives for their opinion didn’t work for me as again, what they thought was beautiful and stylist, I didn’t. So, what did I end up doing? In 2007, I lived and worked in Kosovo and was lucky enough to find an awesome hairdresser and makeup artist. However, had I not lived there, I don’t know what I would have done. This is why we created MyDasma. Don’t waste another second of your time, simply checkout MyDasma, click on the hairdresser and makeup artist catego...

Where you can find a singer for your Albanian wedding

  When it comes to Albanians and organising weddings, there is nothing more important than deciding upon who the singer is going to be. I know when it came to my wedding, if it was up to my mother in-law, we would have booked Afrim Muqiqi and forked out over €4000. As a diaspora Albanian there was no way that was going to happen. You see, I wasn’t interested in paying for a name just so I could show off to the neighbours. What I wanted is a person that could sing the songs I liked reasonably good and didn’t cost more than about €2000. My biggest dilemma was where do we find someone that fitted this description? Who do we ask? Whose opinion do we listen to when you have 64 first cousins that all think something different. That’s why we created MyDasma. In order to choose your singer simple visit and under ‘Filloje Dasmën’ select the singer category and start selecting your singer by watching their videos, reading their reviews and then negotiating a price wi...

How I got the shit insulted out of me by a hairdresser in Kosova and why YOU need to hear this no matter what type of business you run

I want to tell you a quick story about my visit to Kosova in 2002. I was 21 and it was my first visit since 1987. Yep, it had been a while. My cousin, Zyrafeta (we call her Teta), invited me to come along with her and her husband to Nahid Hasani’s wedding. They had told me about his history, how he had just been released from jail after being falsely accused by Serbs during the 1997-1999 Kosovar war. At the time, I was excited to see everything and anything Kosova had to offer and it was being held in Prizren, so I thought why not. (FYI, if you’re ever in Kosova, Prizren is one of the most interesting cities to see. It’s beautiful, old and has more historical things to see than any other place in Kosova.) Teta was getting her hair and makeup done at a hair salon in Rahovec and suggested that I should come along as I could get by hair done as well (by the way, Rahovec is where my father’s family is from). So, here I was a girl born and raised in Australia thinking, Ok, a hairdresser, co...